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CXO Services

Covers different areas of business or specific projects as per Client’s need
We provide assistance to entrepreneurs and enterprises in different scenarios resonating with their thought process
  • I know fundamentals of my business 
  • I know newer technology suitable for my Business

How Can I Crystalise my wishes into Results?

Our Services

Our services are for Startups, SMEs, MSMEs  or towards specific projects. We offer our services either on retainership or as per specific business requirements.
  • 2. Implementing ERP / CRM
    Understanding Business Process Bridging Business flow and the Software flow and find out gap Evaluating and negotiating with Vendors Drafting detailed Terms and Conditions for workorder / Assignment
  • 5. Organisation Building
    Identifying critical positions Assisting in recruitment process Designing performance management system (deriving Key performance Indicators (KPI) for organisation and employees) Performance Appraisal and formal increment / remuneration linkages Conducting Interviews of Senior profiles Designing and drafting HR Policies
  • 4. Participating in Strategic Decision Making
    Assist in bringing out clear business goals Go to Market Strategy Evaluating different marketing channels Preparing financial models of proposal / strategies /projects
  • 7. Drafting and Vetting of Various Agreements
    Commercial Agreements (distributorship, Vendor, Service Providers etc…) Standard conditions of various transactional documents (Purchase orders, Sales orders etc…) Special Business Agreements (Confidentiality, Non solicitation, Franchisee, Joint Venture etc…) Employment related agreements
  • 6. Drafting of Various Operational and Communication Documents
    With Important business associates – domestic/overseas like Investors, potential JV partners, important collaborators, vendors and customers etc…
  • 9. Improving Supply Chain and Inventory Parameters
    Analyse working capital requirement and blockage Suggest ways to improve inventory management Improve Production planning/ Forecasting system Supply chain efficiency monitoring
  • 1. Establishing Financial System
    Proper accounting as per business Flow Profit centre accounting Budgeting & Reporting Management Dash Board
  • 8. Improving Work Efficiency
    Understanding the interdepartmental/ inter personnel work related issues and balance the expectations to improve efficiency/productivity Identify repetitive or non productive work and find a way out Identify the risk in operations and suggest better practice possibilities
  • 3. Evaluating Agencies / Consultant / Collaborative Proposals
    Interacting with the agencies Evaluating proposals, matching with company’s strategic objectives with returns perspective Negotiating with the agencies Evolving monitoring mechanism of Agencies
Some of our services are listed below
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Our Approach

We value our Client’s Business information and treat with utmost care and confidentiality


Different challenges and constraints can have different reasons, depending on the situation and people. Our first approach is to understand the problems


We analyse each challenge to evaluate its root cause, or even identify future or anticipated problems through research, our knowledge, and experience


We assist with providing appropriate solutions to existing challenges by considering available resources and building a growth strategy

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Confluence of


(Logical Thinking)



(Creative Thinking)




Evolution Path of The Business

Business Objectives Mid Term To Long Term

Owner's Perspective & Business Dynamics

Create Scenario

Create Assumption

Challenge & Debate

Arrive At Conclusion With Reasonable Accuracy - Logically

Study And Evaluate Existing Scenario

Balancing Between Short Term & Long Term Goals

Challenge Conventions

Look Top Down : Holistic Approach

Open Mindedly Explore All Suggesions And Alternatives

Think Like Owners

Keep An Eye On Boundry With Respect To Investment And Cashflow

Strive To Create Value With Solutions

Case Studies

Few of our case studies will give insights as how Spanyan can be of help in any of your endeavours

Clients Speak

“I am able to see with clear figures, what is happening in my business- Thanks to Spanyan team!”

Let’s have 30 Minutes of interactive session!

We invite you to have a no-obligation discovery call, where we can interact about your aspirations and challenges
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